Conference Activity:
Selected Presentations:
1."Anxious Masculinities and Patriarchy in Crisis: María de Zayas and the Psychological Portrait." South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA 90). Birmingham, AL, November 2018.
2. "Cervantes and Thomas Jefferson’s Libraries: Imaginative Fictions and Ethical Models during Early American Independence." 28 Congreso de ALDEEU (Asociación de licenciados, doctores y otros profesionales españoles que ejercen su profesión en Estados Unidos), Charlottesville, VA, June 2018.
3. “'Y assí su alma con su mármol arde': Ovidian Transformations, Renaissance Erotica, and New Approximations to the Poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega.” Renaissance Society of America, New Orleans, March 2018.
4. “Early Authorial Interventions surrounding the Poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association 89 (SAMLA 89), Atlanta, November 2017.
5. “On the Uses of the Grotesque.” Virginia Humanities Conference, Shenandoah University, April 2017.
6. “Nomen amicitia est, nomen inane fides: Garcilaso’s "Ode ad florem Gnidi," Ovid, and the Pervasive Presence of the Biographical Reading.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2016.
7. “El ‘antiitalianismo’ y el contexto cultural de Cristóbal de Castillejo.” XVI Congreso de AHLM, Porto-Gaia, September 2015.
8. “La poesía burlesca de Jorge Manrique.” XI Foro de Profesores de E/LE, Universitat de València, March 2015.
9. “El perenne legado de la poesía cancioneril: la matriz poética de Garcilaso de la Vega.” III Congreso Internacional: Cancionero de Baena, Fundación Centro de Documentación Juan Alfonso de Baena, February 2015.
10. “Juan de Mena’s Coronación Commentaries: Textual Authority and the Court of Juan II.” Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of Virginia, October 2013.
11. “The Aesthetics of Excess: Rococo Vestiges of Tartuffe in Isla's Fray Gerundio.” The Eighteenth Centuries: an Interdisciplinary Symposium, University of Virginia, March 2013.
12. “Garcilaso's Verse Tapestries: the Appropriation of Classical Motifs.” UC Berkeley, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, April 2012.
13. “Satire and Humanist Discourse in Diálogo de Mercurio y Carón.” Jesters and Gestures: Irony at a Crossroads Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, February 2011.
Conferences Organized:
1. “The Virginia Humanities Conference 2017.” Shenandoah University, College of Arts and Sciences. Role: Conference Vice-President and Submissions Chair, April 2017.
2. “The Self and the Other.” University of Virginia, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, February 2012.
Panels Organized:
1. “Political Identities of Women: Trauma, Motherhood, and Empowerment in Transatlantic Feminist Narratives.” Co-organized with Petra M. Schweitzer (Shenandoah University) for the 2018 South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference 90 (SAMLA), November 2018.
2. “It’s Complicated: Early Modern Iberian Poetry Grapples with the Past.” Co-organized with Daniel Hartnett (Kenyon College), 2016 Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 2016.
3. “Los usos sociales de la poesía.” III Congreso Internacional: Cancionero de Baena, Fundación Centro de Documentación Juan Alfonso de Baena, February 2015.
Invited Talks:
1. “Multilingualism and Cultural Contact.” The College of New Jersey, Department of Modern Languages, Departmental Graduation Invited Speaker, May 2012.