Selected Publications: (links provided where available)

Book Chapters: 

1. Eriksen, Casey Robert. “The Aesthetics of Excess: Rococo Vestiges of Tartuffe in Isla's Fray Gerundio.” In The Eighteenth Centuries: Global Networks of Enlightenment. Eds.: Gies, David T., and Wall, Cynthia. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2018.

2. Eriksen, Casey Robert. “Y assí su alma con su mármol arde”: Ovidian Transformations, Renaissance Erotica, and New Approximations to the Poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega.” In Iberian Pornographies, 1300-1850: Archiving Flesh, Perversion, and the Visceral. Eds.: Jones, Nicholas, and Leahy, Chad. Routledge. Forthcoming.

Refereed Journal Articles:

1. Eriksen, Casey Robert, and Peláez Malagón, Enrique. “Literatura comparada e interdiscursividad: la ecfrasis en Los Milagros de Nuestra Señora de Gonzalo de Berceo.” In Revista prosopopeya: Traducción, ideología y poder en la ficción audiovisual. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch Editorial. Eds.: Chaume Varela, Frederic, and Richart Marset, Mabel. 9 (2015): 265-282.

2. Eriksen, Casey Robert. “Garcilaso’s Third Eclogue: Ekphrasis, Classical Models, and the Poetics of Empire.” Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry. Greensboro: University of North Carolina. Forthcoming.

Articles Under Review:

1. Eriksen, Casey Robert. “Voluntary Exile, Legendary Biographies, and New Possibilities for Interpretation in Three Mediterranean Texts.”

2. Eriksen, Casey Robert. “From Naples to North Africa: Rediscovering Ovidian Subtexts in the Poetry of Garcilaso de la Vega.”

3. Eriksen, Casey Robert “María de Zayas and the Psychological Portrait.”

Book Manuscripts Under Review:

1. Eriksen, Casey Robert, and Schweitzer, Petra Maria (Co-Editors). Political Identities of Women: Trauma, Motherhood and Empowerment in Feminist Narratives.

Conference Proceedings:

1. Eriksen, Casey Robert, and Schweitzer, Petra Maria  “The Unbearable Humanities.” In The Unbearable Humanities: Proceedings of the 2017 Virginia Humanities Conference. Ed.: Tonya Howe. Richmond: Virginia Commonwealth University, 2018.


1. Eriksen, Casey Robert. “Europe, Disenchantment, and the Retreat of the Sacred 1600-1800.” Translations of religious and secular texts (document translations) prepared for María Tausiet (Universidad de Zaragoza) to accompany a three-session seminar, "Disenchantment: Purgatory, Possession, and Relics." University of Virginia, 2014.